The Meaning of Family

This is what happens when people focus on their own damn families. They're not so worried about destroying everyone else's. I think I would have given anything to have had parents like this.

Let's Show the Nation that Tennessee Respects Loving Couples

It is widely assumed that passage of an amendment to the Tennessee Constitution will guarantee that no same gender marriages will take place in our state. But that is not exactly true.

Having spent my career as an ordained minister, I am keenly aware that there are two primary dimensions of a marriage: one spiritual and one legal. At its heart, a marriage is a deeply personal and spiritual covenant between two persons who love each other and pledge to spend their lives together.

In this primary sense of the word, we have had gay marriage for a long time and we will continue to have it for as long as liberty survives in America.

How true! All through history gay couples and families have existed, in spite of all the difficulties society threw at them. If you're unsure of this, watch the movie "Aimee & Jaguar" sometimes. It's the true story of two women (one Jewish, the other a German officers wife) who fell in love during the reign of Hitler. Unfortunately, they didn't have the happy ending we all yearn for. When the relationship was discovered, the Jewish woman was taken to the concentration camps. The other tried to find her and prayed she'd survive the camps, but she didn't.

An amendment and all the laws in the world can't defeat love. We will be together no matter what society tries to do to us. The only question then is if we can't be stopped then what's the point of these amendments?

Seems to me the point is to be mean spirited and cruel. Once you understand the consequences of what I wrote about previously and you understand that we won't disappear because an amendment, what other reason is there?

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