7 out of 10

A recent Pew Research Center for the People & the Press poll finds that "seven in 10 said they want the next president to offer policies and programs that are different from the Bush administration's."

Poll Link

This is NOTHING new!!! Dude, the American people have been saying this since WELL BEFORE Bush stole office. Some people voted for Bush ONLY because they felt he had a solid policy and program that the Democrats did not.

Never mind that his policies and programs were based on lies. They didn't and don't care about that. It's sad to say. One would hope that Americans would care more about honesty and integrity in the highest office than that, but they don't. They want ROCK HARD leadership! They want someone to stand up and say "This is our plan to end poverty! This is our plan to cut the national debt! This is our plan to get the troops out of Iraq! This is our plan to put food on your table, increase jobs, and help your kids get a good education!"

They want good solid and sound plans that include the things they care about. They want to get not just this country, but themselves, back on track, and they want a strong leader to stand up and say it. We need a Democrat to stand up and say it. We can say it as those in the trenches all day long that our party is capable, but until a leader stands up in our ranks and puts it before the people on behalf of all of us, it will mean NOTHING!!!

I speak as a person with the heart of a Democrat but the discouragement of an American. I speak as a person who needs this kind of leader, like I need air to breath. When you know the country is out of control and life isn't far behind (and you know you are not the only one), this is what is needed.

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